2025 Issue is out, Please check Current Issues for more details
Checklist Before Submission
  1. The manuscript is written in double-spaced pages with Times New Roman, and does not exceed 15 pages.
  2. The manuscript consistently follows the MLA 8th edition guidelines for in-text citations.
  3. The works cited list is consistent with MLA 8th edition.
  4. If any images are used, they are properly documented, and if they are copyrighted their copyrights are cleared.
  5. Two copies in .doc or .docx formats are prepared; one blind-review copy, and one copy with authors credentials.
  6. The author's real name does not appear as the creator of the document in the “properties” of the document. (This is to ensure that your manuscript can remain blind, you may wish to switch the author’s username to a number or a nickname, or totally remove that from “details” sub-header)
  7. There is a copy of the blind-review version checked for plagiarism in either Turnitin or in Ithenticate services.
  8. The written statement of originality stating the work has not been published, or in consideration for publication elsewhere is prepared and signed with the author(s) name(s).
  9. When sending the manuscripts, there should be four files in the attachments of the e-mail:
  • The blind review copy (.doc or .docx)
  • The editor’s copy with author’s credentials  (.doc or .docx)
  • Full text of the plagiarism control report (.pdf)
  • The written statement of originality (.pdf or .jpeg)