2025 Issue is out, Please check Current Issues for more details
Editorial Board

Editorial Board:


Prof. Dr. Huriye REİS (Editor)

Prof. Dr. Aytül ÖZÜM

Prof. Dr. Hande SEBER

Prof. Dr. Şebnem KAYA

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alev KARADUMAN

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar TAŞDELEN

Assist. Prof. Dr. İmren YELMİŞ

Assist. Prof. Dr. Aslı DEĞİRMENCİ ALTIN

Assist. Prof. Dr. Merve SARI TÜZÜN

Assist. Prof. Dr. Emine Seda ÇAĞLAYAN MAZANOĞLU


IT Assistance:

Res. Assist. Onur Çiffiliz



Advisory Board:


Prof. Dr. Burçin Erol (Hacettepe University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. A. Deniz Bozer (Hacettepe University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Ayfer Altay (Atılım University, Department of Translation and Interpretation)

Prof. Dr. Nalan Büyükkantarcıoğlu (Çankaya University, Department of Translation and Interpretation)

Prof. Dr. Abdülvahit Çakır (Gazi University, Department of Foreign Language Education)

Prof. Dr. Meral Çileli (METU, Department of Foreign Language Education)

Prof. Dr. Nurten Birlik (METU, Department of Foreign Language Education)

Prof. Dr. Sema Ege (Biruni University, Department of Foreign Language Education)

Prof. Dr. Ufuk Ege (Ankara University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Belgin Elbir (Atılım University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Günseli İşçi (Yeni Yüzyıl University, Department of Translation and Interpretation)

Prof. Dr. Berrin Aksoy (Atılım University, Department of Translation and Interpretation)

Prof. Dr. Esra Melikoğlu (İstanbul University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Işıl Özyıldırım (Hacettepe University, Department of Linguistics)

Prof. Dr. Ufuk Özdağ (Hacettepe University, Department of American Culture and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Himmet Umunç (Başkent University, Department of American Culture and Literature)

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Yerebakan (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Gülşen Sayın

Prof. Dr. Özlem Uzundemir (Çankaya University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Prof. Dr. Mine Özyurt Kılıç (ASBU, Department of English Language and Literature)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margaret Sönmez (METU, Department of Foreign Language Education)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilge Mutluay Çetintaş (Hacettepe University, Department of American Culture and Literature)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahiner (Akdeniz University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinem Bozkurt (Hacettepe University, Department of Translation and Interpretation)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Yılmaz (Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Neslihan Ekmekçioğlu (Çankaya University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özlem Aydın Öztürk (Bülent Ecevit University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Sibel İzmir (Atılım University, Department of English Language and Literature)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Kübra Kangüleç Çoşkun (TOBB University, Department of English Language and Literature)