2025 Issue is out, Please check Current Issues for more details
Submission Requirements

The Journal of British Literature and Culture accepts submissions written in compliance with the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Eight Edition (2016). Manuscripts should be submitted via the designated e-mail adress of the our journal in the .doc or .docx formats, and must include Turkish and English titles, 100 to 200 words abstract in Turkish and English, and three to six keywords that define the scope of the article. A second copy of the submitted article should be sent in the same e-mail correspondence, and it should contain the author's name, academic title, institutional affliation, e-mail adress, telephone numbers on the title pape of the document. 

Submissions should not exceed 15 double-spaced pages in Times New Roman. Authors are notified upon the receipt of their submission of their manuscripts. 

Submissions must be accompanied by a signed statement (can be scanned) from all authors and co-authors (if applicable) confirming that their material has not been published elsewhere or is not currently under consideration by another journal or publication. Manuscripts presenting a major development, not minor changes, of content previously-published by submitting author(s) may be considered for publication upon the approval of the Editorial Board as long as the required copyright permissions are cleared by the authors of such articles at the time of submission. authors reproducing unpublished content presented at conferences prior to submission must state conference paper title, and name, date and location of the conference(s) in a footnote on the first page of their manuscripts. The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish an article, even after it has been approved for publication, if it becomes evident that the article does not comply with the JBLC's publication policy.