2025 Issue is out, Please check Current Issues for more details
It is a great pleasure to introduce the first issue of our online journal of Journal of British Literature and Culture. This journal continues the successful publishing tradition established  by Journal of British Literature and Culture (1990-2010) and intends to keep up the standards  of publishing quality scholarly articles about British literature and culture.
We would like to thank all who made this issue possible, namely the contributors and their reviewers, the editorial board and especially Dr. Merve Sarı Tüzün and Research Assistant Onur Çiffiliz for their enthusiasm, energy and time they very generously devoted to the procedures of publication of this issue.
The first issue of our online journal offers five articles. These articles illustrate the wide scope and variety of methods of analysis JBCL advocates.
We expect your contributions as readers and authors to the next issues of our journal. We accept your contributions throughout the year via
With best wishes
The Editorial Board