2025 Issue is out, Please check Current Issues for more details
About the Journal
JBLC (The Journal of British Literature and Culture) is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal devoted to British literary and cultural studies published annually by the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University. The journal publishes original research articles, explications, and reviews of literary and critical publications in any aspect of British literature and culture and relevant subjects including, but not limited to, films, animations and soundtracks. The articles must be submitted in Turkish or English according to the guidelines provided in “Instruction to Authors” at our website.
Peer-Review Policy and Process
The manuscripts submitted to the JBLC are evaluated through a double-blind referee system. The editor reserves the right, upon the approval of the Editorial Board, to choose not to send manuscripts to referees and reject submission on the grounds of inappropriate subject matter, quality, length and major noncompliance with the designated submission requirements. Submissions that are deemed appropriate are sent to two anoymous referees, and in the case of persistent disagreement between the first two referees, the review of a third referee is asked, after which the Editorial Board makes the final decision considering all three reviews.
All rights reserved with appropriate Creative Commons Licence. No partial or full copying or republishing of the material is permitted without the prior approval of the Editorial Board.  All references to the content published in JBLC must be properly cited in relevant citation methods.
Owner: Merve Sarı Tüzün
Type of Publication: Periodical /Annual
Address: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, 06800 Beytepe
Kampüsü / Ankara, Türkiye.
Date of Publication: February 2023